Lockdown Photo Challenge #1 - Dad with the kids


I don’t know about you, but after 7 weeks of lockdown the novelty has completely worn off. Tempers are flaring, boredom is setting in.

So I’m giving myself new things to do and I’d love it if you joined me. If you like taking photos and fancy doing mini photo shoots for yourself, give these a go and post your results either on Facebook or Instagram, and be sure to tag me in @curiouscreaturesphotography!

Challenge #1: Photos of dad and the kids

This took about 10 minutes from the time the idea occurred to me to finish. 5 minutes to change t-shirts and brush hair, and 5 minutes taking the photos.

All you’ll need is:

A man,
Child(ren) - any ages but young is better,
A rug (optional),
Chocolate buttons or other pocket treats.

Just follow these easy steps!

  1. Announce to everyone that you’re doing a photo shoot. This may be met with groans and resistance. Do not let that deter you.

  2. Style your subjects. Select similar tones for everyone to wear (dark or light). Doesn’t have to be matching colours, but should look good together. Avoid primary colours. No logos, football shirts etc. Plain but comfortable (you don’t want to give them anything else to moan about!)

  3. Brush hair and wipe faces. I know those standards have been slipping during lockdown but now is the time to look civilised. **Lockdown hair - if your subjects are concerned that their hair is less than picture perfect, suggest wetting it or wearing a hat. It’s ok to have a weird hairstyle at the moment. Kind of funny, really.

  4. Pick a spot to take the photos. It can be inside or outside.

  5. For indoors, tidy up the area, removing clutter from the background and sides. A big bed would work well - chuck on some scatter cushions and blankets to give it some texture.

  6. For outdoors, like mine, choose a shaded corner of the garden (you might have to wait for the right time of day for this). Shade is ideal for even lighting - bright sun brings a host of challenges which is just going to give you a headache. You have enough headaches at the moment! You don’t need a lot of room or the perfect area. I love my little ‘wild’ patch but it could have been done anywhere with shade. If you go in close to take the photos you won’t see much of it anyway.

  7. Ask the man to sit down. Provide a rug if he requires it. He should sit facing you, upright rather than lounging but this is up to you. Mine tried to lounge, but it looked ridiculous.

  8. Insert kids on his lap - he’ll be pleased to know that they will cover up the extra pounds he’s gained over the last month.

  9. Commence shooting. If anyone needs bribing, dish out some white chocolate buttons or similar. Instruct everyone to squeeze in close and tickle, kiss, cuddle. Be prepared to make a complete ass of yourself to crack some smiles.

  10. Don’t worry about everyone looking at the camera. Go for those lovely candid shots.

There are no rules (obviously!) and you can let them get as crazy as they like. If sitting doesn’t work, have them lying down! They can form a star shape with their heads in the middle, or piled up on top of each other, or if you have a baby, just lying on dad’s chest is lovely. Whatever comes naturally, really!

After about 5 minutes, if you’re lucky, they’ll have had enough. Hopefully you’ll have managed one or two shots that you like! Now you can edit them to your taste, or send your best one to me and I’ll be happy to give it a quick edit, and you’re done!

Next challenge coming soon!