How to keep sane and move forward during lockdown (and other hard times)

Winter beach family photo shoot in Cornwall

Keeping mentally afloat

Lockdown 2021. We’ve made it through one month but it is brutal. Everyone is feeling it - no matter what their situation or circumstance, nobody has escaped being affected and impacted negatively by the Covid pandemic. Some obviously more than others, and this is not to diminish or downplay the incredible trauma and loss suffered by many this past year. I am very fortunate, even though we caught the virus recently, it was fairly mild. We’ve managed to pay the bills even though we’re on one salary, and we’re safe and warm and sheltered.

It’s early 2021 now. The weather is awful - cold, dark, floods, snow. January is a bleak month anyway - post Christmas waist bulge and money shortage… We can look forward to Spring, but it’s too far away for that thought to give much comfort.

If you’re feeling battered and bruised, confused, angry, depressed and even like you’re going slightly mad, you are not alone. It’s your primitive brain’s response to the situation and it’s primal function is flight, fight or freeze. What you’re feeling is completely normal and most people are also experiencing this. Stress levels are high, there is a lot of fear and worry around. Feeling trapped, bored, hopeless, irritated, angry or totally demotivated is part of every day life for most of us.

So how do you stop yourself from being sucked along on the downward spiral of negativity? You might feel like you’re already well on the way. I’ve had plenty of those moments in the past few weeks. That’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up. You have the chance right now to change the trajectory and start winding your way up. I am no mental health expert of life coach, and there is wealth of information out there ( is amazing and highly recommended). I’ve been down in the dumps too, and these are a few of the useful tools which have been helping me, and I wanted to share them here just in case there’s somebody else who could benefit.

Inner Child

The first thing to do is stop and notice your thoughts and feelings - take a step back and examine what’s going on in your mind. Then recognise the frightened little child inside you feeling all of this. Have you noticed lots of bad memories coming back or has lockdown been triggering old patterns and wounds? That is why! Your inner child needs you! Be kind to yourself. Give yourself the comfort and soothing words you need to hear. Be there for that child. Give yourself a hug!


It’s really good to have practical daily goals, and to write them down each morning. I like the ‘BACE’ idea: Body, Achievement, Connection, Entertainment. This tool suggests that you spend a small amount of time each day doing something for each of these things:

- 20 minutes doing something good for your body - exercising, eating healthily, drinking water, doing yoga etc (Body);
- 20 minutes each day doing something productive - tidying, working on something, doing something productive (Achievement);
- 20 minutes every day on a meaningful connection - chatting and talking honestly about how your feeling, writing a heartfelt letter, or reaching out to someone (Connection);
- 20 minutes each day doing something FUN (Entertainment)! Connect again with your inner child and do something that you would have done as a kid that made you happy. It doesn’t have to involve going out or spending money. Something silly and simple, that makes you smile. Listen to a favourite song, look through a book you like, dance, jump in muddy puddles, or look through old photographs….

Meditation & Exercise

I have also been listening to guided meditations on the Headspace app which are great. Even 5 minutes a day spent breathing and connecting with the present will help. Because in reality, the future that you’re worrying about doesn’t actually exist. We don’t know what is round the corner and we never did. We thought we did, but don’t forget that life can change in an instant. Now is all we truly have. Read Ekhart Tolle - he explains it all really well!

Daily exercise is a must too, even if just 20 minutes brisk walk. You’ll feel the difference if you haven’t been doing this up to now.

I know we’re all stuck at home and it’s crazy-making, but don’t forget to put down the homeschooling books and play with your children - they are missing their friends massively and a bit of silly time with you will make them feel heaps better.

I am of the genuine belief that out of this difficult time many amazing things will rise. There is much to look forward to, but without this pain we won’t be able to have the gain.

Something I am passionate about and feel is part of the purpose in what I do is boosting self-esteem for people. I do this with photography by providing beautiful, celebratory images that truly capture the love and connection of the families I serve. I’m not doing it only for the babies and children, who will grow up seeing these images around their home proudly displayed, flooding them with a deep sense of belonging, but also for their parents. We all need reminders every day of why we’re amazing and what we’re giving in this life. Photographs allow us to remember, and connect us with our reasons why. Looking through old pictures can make us feel sad but also draw us to what has meaning for us in our lives, and this is so important.

Taking photos is also great for my self-esteem! I’ve always enjoyed taking my camera out and spotting interesting things to take photos of. It’s great for connecting with the present moment, sharpening your observation skills, and it is fun!

What things have you found that are helping you through this lockdown/pandemic/general tough times? Please comment below and let me know!

Hang in there friends. I am always available if you need to vent or chat - doesn’t matter if you don’t know me, sometimes that is the best way to get it off your chest. or via the contact form.
