Is Hypnobirthing for you? Cornwall Hypnobirthing practitioner Emily Bray writes...


What is ‘hypnobirthing’ and is it for me?

Guest Blog Post written by Emily Bray - Doula and Hypnobirthing Practitioner in Cornwall, UK

If you’re reading this and you are pregnant - congratulations! Maybe you are due to give birth soon and wondering if it’s too late to do some birth preparation (it’s never too late!) or you are earlier in your pregnancy and deciding on which book to read or what antenatal course to choose. There is just so much information out there isn’t there?


As a doula in Cornwall who attends births, I encourage you to really think about what you want from an antenatal course. For some, making friends is a big priority; having parent friends is brilliant as they will form part of your ‘village’, a crucial part of feeling connected and nourished in the fourth trimester and beyond.  But in addition to this, ask yourself - how do you want the course to prepare you for birth? How will it prepare your birth partner? How do you want to feel during and after the birth of your baby? And will it equip you with decision making tools?


When browsing social media or chatting to friends, you may have heard of Hypnobirthing. It has become a bit of a buzz word and seems to have risen in popularity in recent years, with Kate Middleton describing it as ‘hugely powerful’. 

Pregnancy Hypnobirthing Cornwall

Ask yourself how you want to feel during and after the birth of your baby when choosing an antenatal course


So what actually is Hypnobirthing? Let’s break it down…


"Hypno"- the use of hypnotherapy techniques (nothing like stage / entertainment hypnosis) to help let go of fears, relieve pregnancy anxiety and remain calm. This reduces stress and tension and in turn minimises the sensations of pain. 


"Birthing" - learning everything you need to know about giving birth. My course is a comprehensive antenatal course covering all of your options, birth physiology, massage, breathing techniques and some postnatal planning as well. 


Hypnobirthing works on the principle that the more calm and safe the birthing person feels in labour, the more their essential birth hormones are able to work effectively. This is vitally important as it minimises the body’s protective hormone adrenaline which, if triggered by stress or fear can stall or slow labour, interrupting lots of bodily functions in a bid to protect parent and baby. 

Hypnobirthing Cornwall

“The emotional benefits of a positive birth experience have a lasting impact.”

What are the benefits? 


Clinical research shows that using hypnobirthing techniques in childbirth results in reduced sensation of pain, shorter labour and less intervention.


Whilst this research is important, it is the emotional benefits of a positive birth experience that have a lasting impact. Hypnobirthing provides you with tools and techniques that will help you well beyond the birth and my aim through my courses is for people to have a positive birth experience no matter where or how you birth your baby. 


Is Hypnobirthing for one type of birth?


There is a misconception that Hypnobirthing is for one type of birth - typically home birth or water births. However, hypnobirthing helps you to feel empowered in your decision making, feel confident approaching birth and calm during the birth, no matter where or how your baby is born. I have supported people through all types of birth using hypnobirthing, including induction of labour and caesarean birth. 


As a Hypnobirthing teacher, my aim is for you to approach the birth of your baby prepared with knowledge and confidence. I place a lot of focus on birth partners as I know (as a doula) how important their role is. They become your ‘thinking brain’ and need to be equipped with tools to support you at every stage, to be your advocate and ask questions so that together you can make the best decisions for you and your baby on the day. 

Natural parenting Hypnobirthing Cornwall


"The single best decision I made throughout my pregnancy was to sign up for a hypnobirthing course. I could have never imagined I’d end up giving birth during a global pandemic.  Emily is an incredible person who taught me how I had the strength within myself to calmly and confidently birth our baby. I felt informed and calm the whole way through the birth of our son and can honestly say that it was one of the best experiences of my life."

- First time parent


Emily offers both private and group (in person and online) Hypnobirthing courses. She would welcome a chat with you. |