Curious Creatures Photography

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Tantrums and tickles | Maternity photo shoot with an unwilling toddler

How I handle toddlers having ‘off’ days

Being pregnant with a toddler is never easy.  Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!!  It is ridiculously exhausting, even if you have an angel child (the likes of which I have yet to meet!). Even if you’re not pregnant… toddlers are not for the faint or weary!

Being a photographer of little people, I have come across every mood, age and stage there is. I’ve also got two boys myself, and live with daily tantrums and crazy thought processes. Of course I love them all - otherwise I could not possibly do what I do!

This was one of those sessions that seemed doomed from the start. Gemma was 30 weeks pregnant and Willow was 17 months old. It was mid afternoon - a gorgeous, hot sunny day, and they both arrived exhausted after a few hours visiting some friends. Willow was over-tired, hot and miserable. Gemma popped her on the bed so that she could change and Willow didn’t want to be left, even though her mum was only a foot from her. She wanted cuddles. Nothing could distract or cheer her up - she was just in that mood (hey - I get in that mood myself, so I can empathise!).

Before we'd even begun I could see Gemma starting to feel defeated. Her energy was fading fast from the fatigue of pregnancy and a headstrong toddler. I begged her to not give up and to change quickly into a dress while Willow cried on the bed (don’t worry, she was right there) and then go lie with her and give her a cuddle. I knew if Gemma was at least dressed, there was a chance to get some shots and make something come from the situation..

Gemma did that, and joined Willow on the bed. With a some toe tickling and mum cuddles, Willow calmed down and I even managed to get her to laugh at something ridiculous I was doing (I really had to work hard for this one, heheh!).

Although she was a little more settled, Willow then became determined to go off and play on the floor. It was getting impossible to keep her on the bed so I asked Gemma to pick her up and stand by the window. They looked at the view but it was a minute of distraction before she wanted to be off again, so I reached for my toddler cat nip - BUBBLES. It worked like a charm. She loved them, and didn’t want me to stop! To my horror, the bubble mixture ran out, which of course caused fresh upset. Stupid bubble mixture, dammit!

I suggested we wrap up with a story on the bed, which turned out to be a sweet ending to the session.

Even if it is more challenging, I love working with all moods - your little ones don’t have to be perfect angels to get great shots. Here are some of my favourites from the shoot.

If you’re worried that your little one is too wild to handle a session, don’t let it stop you having your moments captured! Find out more about my maternity sessions, or contact me to book.

I love being able to give mothers some precious memories - especially with such little ones who change so much, so fast. Motherhood is such an intense journey which totally deserves to be documented!