Emotional photo viewing | Newborn session in Cornwall


Welcome to the world, Nova!

The awe and delight when you first see your photos from a session makes you want to keep staring at them over and over. I hear this many times from my clients and it’s the best part for me - knowing that the images we've made are loved and treasured!

Client story

I have to tell you about my client Amelia who had her baby girl recently.

Her fiance surprised her with a gift voucher for the ‘Watch me Grow’ package on her birthday, which was about 2 months before her due date (and coincidentally the day after my birthday - Capricorn twins practically!). I thought that was such a brilliant present - she’s definitely got a keeper there :)

Before the session we were in touch although we didn’t meet in person for her consultation as baby Nova appeared before we got the chance! Via emails we covered the basics like how to prepare for the newborn session and Amelia sent me links to the outfits she was thinking of getting - the details can be planned remotely which is so handy if you’re short on time!

Amelia had found a really pretty dress for herself from Asos and the perfect colour stone linen shirt for Jordan from New Look.

Shoot day

When Amelia and Jordan arrived at the studio in Truro with baby Nova, they looked so fresh and beautiful - considering they had a 1 week old! Nova was just a gorgeous baby girl, with loads of hair!

In all sessions you have to be prepared to go with the flow - if baby is settled we get straight into it, or if arriving unsettles them we can start with some cuddles and feeding - whatever is required.

I’m quite good at judging when we need to stop to feed and when a cuddle and some rocking will do the trick. Often it’s a case of just seeing how it goes. Nova was unsettled at the beginning when I got her undressed so I swaddled her up and asked dad to hold her whilst swaying. After an initial grizzle she calmed down in dad’s hands and slept beautifully for the session, which was over in 1.5 hours.

In a leap of faith, they prepaid for a full package including all of the images, which meant that I could send them electronically as soon as they were edited (rather than waiting for a viewing appointment).

It was a lovely gallery to work on. Editing can be a really long process especially with newborns - some have skin issues and the retouching takes hours. My challenge with these guys was the amount of gorgeous photos I had, and having to pick which ones made it to the final gallery. (Because they had paid for the full gallery I could include more than I usually would. When curating a selection gallery I try and keep it to 20-30. Their gallery contained 50 - I just couldn’t take any more out!)

When Amelia saw the photos she sent me this message (shared with her permission):

"Have only just stopped looking at our pictures and I want to open them back up again! We are in awe.

Every time I look I see something else in them I love even more.

You have captured them perfectly. The most precious photos to cherish and keep.

Thank you so so much!”

I love how her words express so perfectly the exact feelings I hope every client has when they see their photos. So much love and care goes into them, and it is such a relief when you love your photos.

Nobody knows what to expect, or what their photos will look like. I’m sure that during the session even though they can see what baby is doing, it’s very hard to visualise what the photos might look like. But honestly, I really feel like you can trust me. If you like my style, and follow my instructions, you can’t NOT love your images!

Now the tough decision of what wall art to get…

Mock up of multi aperture option in a light brown frame

Framed prints from newborn session

Another multi-aperture option in the white wash frame

Or baby on her own? My favourite size and frame for newborn images.

Now I can look forward to Nova’s sitter session, which will be in around 7 months. So lovely to capture these milestones and watch babies grow from tiny newborn to healthy chunky crawling babies.

To book or enquire about a session or ‘Watch me Grow’ package with me, get in touch.