Curious Creatures Photography

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Busting out of lockdown with a beach session (and a major photographer FAIL!)

Baby and Family session at Carne Beach


This session felt so good! The first since before lockdown began, and with one of my favourite families! I was worried about all my bump to baby package clients - not being able to capture their milestones during lockdown and missing out. But fortunately restrictions eased before it was too late and we could get Rudi’s sitter session in at the perfect time.

It was a gorgeous morning down at Carne, and we met at 9am. The sand was pristine, the tide was out and the sun was shining. It was perfect.

We found a lovely spot right down the end of the beach near the rocks, and got to work with Rudi on my raft prop. After about 5 minutes, my battery went dead, and searching for a fresh one, I realised with horror that I hadn’t packed any spares. It is literally the type of scenario that I have actual nightmares about!

Let me explain! I’d taken another bag out the day before, and shoved my spare battery in there ‘just in case’, completely forgetting to take it out again. My back-up spare was on charge at homev- I normally always have both with me for fear of ever being caught short! I couldn’t believe it!!!! There was little Rudi, sitting on the raft in the perfect spot, smiling away at everybody with magical light surrounding him, which was already fading as the sun got higher.

I had no option but to dash home. Fortunately I’m only 15 minutes away - it could have been a lot worse! And more fortunately, Jo and Matt were very understanding and planned on staying for the day anyway, so they got themselves a space sorted while I went to get the replacement &*%ing battery!

Apart from epic fail on my part, it was a fantastic session.

Family photography sessions in Cornwall - contact me to book!