

Freeing the lens

I took my littlest for a little country walk near Veryan on the Roseland Peninsula (we popped there after the morning school run).  It's along the Cornish coastal footpath, parking near Nare Head.  I never know quite what I'm going to find when I visit as the landscapes change with the seasons.  I was hoping to find the field full of long grass as it has been before, but it was all neatly trimmed and rolled into hay bales.  We had to go and explore, and discovered they are great for playing hide and seek (or hide and say Boo!).

I've been doing a lot of freelensing lately.  I love the effect of this technique and it makes me frame and shoot so creativity. 

Freelensing, the way I do it, involves removing the lens from the camera and holding it in front of where it would usually be attached, tilting it to find the focus.  The focal plane changes, so if the lens is tilted, the focal plane is at an angle rather than parallel to the sensor which makes for all kinds of interesting images.  I also love the blur - it really reminds me of dreams and memories. 

Little one loved running around on the grass and being in the great outdoors. I wonder what we shall find when we return!

Contact me if you’d like to explore with me for an outdoor toddler photoshoot in Cornwall.