Curious Creatures Photography

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Mini Sessions - how to avoid the mayhem!

Get the most out of your Christmas Mini Sessions

Picture this….

It’s a lovely day in my studio in Truro, Cornwall. Autumn sunshine outside, a nip in the air - just enough to give some festive feels.

The annual marathon of back-to-back Christmas Mini Sessions are in full swing.

It has been a busy day but so far, all is going well. Lots of catching up with old clients, laughter and smiles, some playful coaxing of little personalities.

And then the 1.15pm booking arrives…


Not only late, but the kids aren’t wearing their outfits ready for the shoot as requested in the prep info.

Both kids are at tricky ages - a 3 year old and an 18 month old - and both detest getting changed. So 15 minutes into their 20 minute slot, I have two very upset little people who definitely do not want to be in any photos.

I convince the toddler to come and sit on the set to see if I can warm her up for a few photos while her baby sister has her nappy changed, but then she sees the baby has been given a snack, which leads to another flood of tears and wails. In a panic, dad gives her some snacks too - the pack - which of course she now won’t let go of.

Before we knew it time was up and we got 3 photos - neither very good.

The truth is, the session would have been a completely different experience if the prep guide had been read. This is something I have put together to help my clients get the most from their mini session. It is based on my years of experience and just keeps things on track so that precious time isn’t wasted.

Mini sessions are awesome

If you’re wondering about a mini session for your little one, it’s a great way to to get a few updated photos! Just remember to arrive prepared and to expect the unexpected. There is always the chance your child won’t play ball, but following the guidelines will help to minimise the chances.

Rules of mini sessions:


  2. Arrive on time.

  3. Arrive photo ready.

  4. No snacks

  5. No phones

  6. Let me interact with the children when taking photos;

  7. Don’t book in if your little one hates new people and places.

  8. Please respect my time and my space.

These sessions are amazingly fun but fast paced and most go without much of a hitch. If you have read this far and think you can handle a mini session - the waiting list is now open for 2023 Christmas Minis. Get your name down there and you’ll be the first to know about dates and details, with advance option to book your slot.

Note: the above session-gone-wrong is not about any actual specific session - I would never bad-mouth a client or their children - but it is a familiar scenario that is easy to avoid.