2023 Christmas Photoshoots


Merry Christmas Photoshoots 2023

With 1 week to go before the big day of 2023, I’d like to share of the pictures from this year’s Christmas mini sessions. These have become a firm tradition for some of my lovely clients, and it’s also wonderful to see babies photographed earlier in the year returning for their first Christmas photoshoot.

This year there were a few new faces, but most who came are past clients so it was wonderful to see them all again and have a catch up.

This year I decided to make my own simple set ups and to have 3 to choose from. All ended up having some Christmas elements and props but the idea was also that on the white and rustic plans backdrop, people could opt for something plainer and less seasonal if they wanted to.

Eveyone had their photo taken at the Christmas tree, and then those who had time to spare could choose what to do next. Anyone who had prepaid for a full set of images I made sure had a good variety of photos from each set up.

It was fantastic and I am already looking forward to next year’s Mini Sessions. It’s never too early to get onto the waiting list so please let me know if you’d like to be added and I’ll make sure you get all the details as soon as they are ready.

Happy Christmas, everyone, and wishing you warm hearted cheer, love & joy throughout 2024.

Michelle x