Turning one at the beach, Kernow style!

Mother and baby boy at Pendower beach photo shoot

Cornish first birthday and family session on the beach

The final of his bump to baby package milestone sessions, and what better way to celebrate turning one than a fun time on the beach with his family for a lifestyle photography session!  We met at Pendower Beach in the evening and it was so gorgeous, and not too busy even though it was half term. 


The tide was out, and the sun was still quite high so we started off playing by the water that runs like a river down into the sea.  I like to shoot near cliffs or rocks, or have something rather than bright sky in the background. The sparkles on the water and the way the light catches on the stones and pebbles, the reflection of the sky and the contrast of river and beach sand - love it all! 

Isaac dipped his tip toes in and his big sister Sophie had a good splash with her dad.  I popped Isaac up on the dune grass nearby for some of just him, but he was far more interested in the passing dogs and trying to crawl off, so we had to abandon that mission!  

After a few family photos we wandered down to the shoreline, doing some swings along the way.  

I had a great time as always with these guys, having fun with the kids and catching up with Steph and Matt.  The funniest thing was Steph telling Matt to take his shoes off when we walked down to the sea.  We had some laughs about his "stupid shoes".  You had to be there :) 

Sophie was brilliant, just loving going off on the beach or messing around with her dad.  And of course Isaac, the star of the show, was a delight.  We ended off with some more family photos lying on the grass, and it was a wrap!  I'll miss watching this little one grow but I'm glad I got to spend the first 12 months capturing his milestones and getting to know him. 

If you’d like to enquire about a family photoshoot on the beach in Cornwall, contact me