Don't forget THESE moments, mama! Breastfeeding photo shoots | Cornwall

Breastfeeding photo shoot in the studio, Cornwall

Breastfeeding photo shoot in the studio, Cornwall


Breastfeeding photoshoots in Cornwall

It is World Breastfeeding Awareness Week, and I am more inspired than ever to document this amazing bond for mums.

We carefully document all our babies’ firsts and milestones, yet this magical part of the journey somehow seems to get missed.

Breastfeeding mums know, there really is nothing like the bond you share while nursing. As a motherhood photographer in Cornwall, breastfeeding photoshoots are something I am so proud to offer.

Not every mother gets to experience this beautiful way of nourishing their babies. I didn’t. I did my best but ended up having to formula feed. This is not a post about one way being better than the other - respect and love to all mums, always!

What I know is, that many mums who breastfeed feel a powerful attachment to this part of their motherhood journey (in part because it has involved some pain, suffering, struggle, and overcoming). I’ve seen the grieving of friends when their breastfeeding days come to an end.

Breastfeeding photography Cornwall

Only you can do it…

This is how you spend so many hours, and it is something that only you can do with your baby. Nobody else shares this role or the bond it gives you two - the little pinches and squeezes, tweaks, hair curling and eye contact. The quiet comfort that you share.

Those hours as you nurture and nourish your baby are just as special as all the firsts, and totally deserve a place in your photo library! Not just lost in your phone selfies folder, but beautifully captured images that have pride of place, for you and your little one to look back on with pride.

Normalising bodies & breastfeeding through photos

Our society needs more images of bodies, doing what they’re supposed to do. We mustn’t hide away! Natural actions like breastfeeding should not make anyone feel self-conscious for a second.

Mums need to feel supported in knowing that their bodies are perfect, beautiful instruments that are doing amazing, miraculous things!

We have to break through the incredibly erroneous and limiting belief that breastfeeding in public is something to be covered up, or that breastfeeding in general is a private taboo. It’s ludicrous!!


The memory will fade

Memories fade, even things that are so much a part of your daily life now.

One day it stops.

As a photographer who specialises in lifestyle family photography, I always feel so honoured when I am asked to step into and photograph the intimate bond of mums breastfeeding in Cornwall. I want to encourage you to hand the camera (or phone) to someone else sometimes, or book in a session.

I have photographed mothers nursing their babies in the first few days of life, during that time when they are just getting to know each other and their bond is new. I’ve also had the pleasure of photographing extended nursers (an extraordinary accomplishment). I love to see the games and sweet communication that occurs during these sessions.

These sessions are always special, and feel a bit magical. I love doing them and mums love having these moments captured.

Outdoor natural ‘end-of-breastfeeding’ session, Cornwall

Natural ‘end-of-breastfeeding’ session, Cornwall

Each stage of nursing is special and unique and each stage shows different aspects of the relationship. The number one reason to get on the other side of the lens is to include you, the mother.

Without you, there would not be a breastfeeding photo to take. Shouldn’t you be a part of that photo? A photographer can capture the moment when your daughter gazes into your eyes or when your son touches your cheek. How about when your nine-month-old holds his foot or when your toddler plays with your hair? 

The secret about breastfeeding:

The interaction between you and your little one is just as important as the milk they are drinking


Those interactions are almost impossible to catch with your phone, and believe me as a mum of 2 who are no longer babies, you will regret not having photos to look back on!

My advice is to hire a professional to document this special fleeting time in your journey of motherhood. Choose someone who specialises in baby photography and is a supporter of breastfeeding; it would be a bonus if she breastfed her own baby (giving her a deep understanding of the importance of it all). 

Read my other blog article about breastfeeding photoshoots here.


If you’re interested in having your special relationship and breastfeeding journey captured, book a motherhood photography session.