Baby Photoshoot at home in Cornwall


Create extra special memories with an at-home photography session

“Each session is a blank canvas for me painted by you.


~ Hailey Faria

When you start thinking about booking a photoshoot for yourself and your family, you might start off with an initial vision in mind… A vague sense of what you’d like perhaps. Or maybe you’ve seen a friend’s photos if they’ve had a session recently, and it’s inspired you to do the same.

As you start looking around at portfolios of local photographers, this vision might shift depending on what you find. There are plenty of styles to choose from, which is great!

The common choices you’ll face will be things like where to have the session, and options are usually studio, or outdoors.

But have you considered thinking outside the box? Your session could be anywhere really, if you find a mobile photographer who seems to be up for interesting ideas. It doesn’t have to be on a beach or in the woods, or at the studio. You could even have a photoshoot in your own home, exactly where all the memories are happening!

At-home Photoshoots - why consider one?

There are a few reasons you might consider having your photoshoot in the comfort of your own home.

  1. Sometimes it’s easier. When you have toddlers and new baby, for instance, the thought of trying to keep everyone contained in a studio environment is just stressful. At home they can come and go, and are more likely to want to be involved. This is particularly for those who are less likely to be co-operative at a studio (you know if you’ve got one of those!!).

  2. This is also where magical natural photos are most likely to happen.

  3. Your home is the backdrop and so in 10, 20 years time this adds such a wonderful layer to the memories captured.

  4. You can include your pets!

  5. Whatever your house looks like, it’s the place where so much magic is happening. Having storytelling images in the context of your home is very special.

What’s involved in an at-home baby photoshoot in Cornwall?

It’s fairly straightforward and I try to keep things more or less the same as if it was a studio or outdoor location shoot. We book a date, confirm and discuss details such as outfits, general look and feel of the photos and I’ll get some general prep info to you. I will also make time to speak to you about everyone and to get to know you a little.

When the day arrives, I will be there at the appointed time, with my camera and anything else I might need to bring along (things like blankets, baby outfits, any bits from the client wardrobe that you wanted to borrow, sometimes a prop or two…

How to prepare for an at-home photoshoot in Cornwall.

While I definitely don’t expect your house to sparkle from top to bottom it is useful for the majority of clutter to be cleared away, even if you stuff it all into a box and put behind the sofa. The less distractions in the shots, the better they will look. However, often I don’t know exactly where I’ll be shooting - when I arrive I’ll case the rooms and see where I can find the kind of light I need to work with. So I don’t want you spending hours cleaning one room when we end up in another area for most of the session.

Prior to the shoot you can send some photos of the areas you think might work, taken at a similar time to your scheduled session so that I can assess as best I can before hand. Commonly used rooms are master bedroom, nursery, hallways and living rooms. We can also head outside if it’s nice.

Book photoshoot at your home in Cornwall

If you think this might be something you’d like for yourself, please do get in touch with me to check availability and prices.