Curious Creatures Photography

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A confidence boosting photo shoot for Shelley

Female portrait session

I met up with the lovely Shelley and her partner Jay one afternoon. Well, it wasn’t just any afternoon - it happened to be Shelley’s birthday and Jay had organised a photo shoot for her as a complete surprise.

What she must have been thinking when they pulled up outside my house on the edge Tregony - a village on the Roseland (which truth be told is pretty scruffy down a bumpy little lane) I don’t know! Needless to say, she was surprised. He hadn’t given her any clue where they were headed, just told her to pack a bag with some spare make up and something nice to wear.

When he’d told me his plan I was extremely dubious - I’m not too sure I’d appreciate a surprise like this myself, but she took it in her stride and went along with it with grace and good humour.

We ended up having such a fun session, trying out different ideas and looks and backdrops. Jay was right - Shelley is gorgeous and like too many women, she doesn’t believe it. I think he wanted her to see what he sees, by having these photos.

Not all of us have a man to push us to step bravely in front of a camera, but maybe more of us should! It’s hugely empowering and confidence boosting to have sides of your character photographed, and to see yourself that way. My doors are always wide open to any woman wanting to give her self esteem a little lift, or to simply celebrate being awesome. Because we all are, whether we choose to believe it or not!

Happy birthday beautiful woman!