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Pregnancy Essentials - My Top 5 Things to Do

Five Things To Do When You’re Pregnant

Pregnancy – it’s a bit mad, isn’t it! One minute there you are, just being yourself, with only one ‘you’ to think about. Then all of a sudden there is someone else in there - a precious tiny human being, and everything you do has their wellbeing in mind.

It doesn’t take long before your body starts feeling a little foreign. Aches, pains, muscle weakness, fatigue. Most people realise they’re pregnant instead of coming down with a cold when the symptoms don’t go away. Odd tastes form - whether total aversion to things you used to love or intense craving for unusual foods or textures.

Your sense of smell could make the most random things unbearable if you suffer with nausea, especially during the first trimester. In my first pregnancy I used Bio Oil and found the smell absolutely abhorrent. To this day (9 years later!) the thought of the stuff still brings back that feeling of nausea.

You might develop a permanent metallic taste in your mouth. Skin complaints. Intolerances… The list goes on!

But don’t worry, your appetite will go back to normal once baby arrives. Your body is just on loan for now (although you should be warned, some things about your body will NEVER be the same - bouncing back entirely is a myth!).

But oh, the JOY!

Sharing the news of your pregnancy - at first in strictest confidence with closest friends and family, like a delightful secret, and then bringing in the wider circle.

There is the wonderful feeling of excitement as suddenly you start noticing as if for the first time how many babies and pregnant women you see everywhere. Those first lovely browsing sessions in the baby section. Googling prams and getting Pinsperation for a nursery…

As your belly goes from looking a bit chubby to becoming a beautiful bump, you marvel. You can’t believe this is you!

Then those first tiny flutters – could it be?? Yes… very subtle but definite tiny kicks.

Ultrasounds – cold stuff and whooshing baby heartbeats. Tears in your eyes.

It is all so precious.

There are some things that I think every mum-to-be should do to really enjoy the often difficult and uncomfortable experience of being pregnant. I wish I’d known this before I had my babies so I’m passing on what I learnt in the hopes that it will help you savour your pregnancy.

1. Self Care

Top of the list - taking extra good care of yourself. If you’ve always pushed your body to the limit and let yourself run on empty for work, this is the time to learn how to look after yourself better.

It’s a time to slow down, eat well and take care of your body.

Your skin can bear much of the brunt as your body works hard to nourish your growing baby, and as your belly begins to stretch and grow you’ll love a good massage oil.

There are other brands but I love Weleda’s natural range for expecting mums. Keep your skin in great condition, and don’t forget to eat healthily and drink plenty of water! Self-care is really important, so make sure you take time to pamper yourself. If you want to book in a Weleda consultation and treatment I know a lovely lady - get in touch for her details!

Pregnant mamas are superheroes and deserve all the support!

2. The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill

Essential reading! This book will give you all of the information you need to prepare for childbirth with some fantastic info about you about what to expect. Give yourself time to read it a few times. This should be mandatory reading for every mum-to-be so that you can face the scary bit feeling at least empowered and knowledgeable about your choices.

You can buy it on Amazon – it’s worth every penny.

3. Hypnobirthing course

Another thing to do during pregnancy is a hypnobirthing class or course. This would be ideally with a qualified teacher, in person, but you can also research online resources. No matter what type of birth you have, this will help massively. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just for women planning a natural birth. Even if you’re having a C-section, techniques for breathing, calming, and visualising a positive outcome is incredibly powerful and will make the experience more beautiful for you.

Read this guest blog post by Emily Bray - doula and hypnobirthing practitioner in Cornwall, explaining more about hypnobirthing.

4. Babymoon

It might not feel like the thing you should really be spending money on right now, but getting away with your partner for a mini break or weekend before baby arrives is a wonderful way to create some last memories of life as a couple. You’ll be a family soon, and you don’t know when you’ll next get a chance to spend time focussing on each other.

As wonderful as it is when a baby arrives, opportunities to just relax together will become more of a luxury, so grab some of those moments while you can.

And last (but not least…)

5. Book maternity and/or newborn photos!

Of course I’m going to say this but I wholeheartedly believe it belongs on the list because what I do is important for so many reasons!!

Newborn photos are taken within 3 weeks so often by the time baby arrives it’s too late to start thinking of booking a photographer. Now is the time to book your newborn photoshoot!!

Pregnancy is a relatively short-lived period of your life, and love it or loathe it, it’s pretty amazing to remember that your body grew and carried your child for almost 10 months! Having it captured professionally not only celebrates the bump, but can also be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your partner as parents-to-be.

Newborn photoshoots are a modern day ritual that mark the arrival of a baby and the resulting images will be ones you will treasure so much later on. Don’t be like so many mums I meet who express their heartfelt regret at having missed this or not had it done.

When you realise how fleeting each stage of your baby’s first year is, you understand why capturing it is so important.  However you choose to document it, make sure it’s true to you.  The moments won’t come back – but these images will last for the rest of your life.

Invest in your memories.  It’s the only splurge you will never, ever regret!

I am a maternity and newborn photographer in Truro, Cornwall. I am certainly not an expert of midwifery or childbirth, but I meet plenty of expecting and brand new mums in my work and love hearing their stories and experiences. I strongly believe in supporting each other in motherhood however we can, and empowering ourselves and others as much as possible.

To enquire about a maternity or newborn session with me, please get in touch for further information!